
Wednesday 28 October 2015

Comic Con

I know it's been a long time (cue sad music), but we're back now. Life got in the way and we have been really busy, but we missed blogging and we are trying to find out a way to keep up with blogging and our daily lives as we really enjoy it. This is not only a welcome back into blogging but R went to Comic Con this sunday and had a great time. I did not dress up this time but i can see myself cosplaying some time soon. Here are some pictures of some of the cosplays i saw and the surrounding stalls : 

These's are some of the pictures I got, I had a really fun time and enjoyed looking at all the cosplays that people dressed up as. In London they have comic con in May and October so I am going to start planning my costume from now. They stall's at comic con are so exciting and there is a lot of stuff so you can tend to get overwhelmed. I can't wait to go again. I hope you enjoy are new post. Rx   

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