
Sunday 19 July 2015

The Sunday Review 0.06

Another Sunday means another Sunday review.This week has been pretty slow on the blog because we've been so busy. It's insane how quickly time seems to get away from you, especially when you have so much to do. Anyway back to what actually did happen on the blog this week. 
The Second part of my favourite bloggers/you-tubers went up, you can see that here. I really enjoyed compiling this list and it gave me a chance to discover some new bloggers too. I mentioned in the first part of the series here, that I had sixteen categories in which I organised the blogs I follow on bloglovin. Maybe in the future I could post a few blogs from each category. I hope you found some inspiration or new blogs to follow thanks to my posts.
The second thing that happened this week but not necessarily on the blog was a redo of a recipe. I made that Salted Caramel Torte back in June and it was kind of a success, a success in that if you like dark chocolate you would love it, not so much for non dark chocolate fans like myself and R. I wanted to redo this recipe using smaller individual tart tins and with milk chocolate. This week I finally got around to it and it was a huge success. I used less of everything which meant it wasn't as rich as the first big torte, it was delicious and just the right portion size for a dessert for one person. You can see a closer look of them here.
Another thing we've been doing this week is obsessively pinning dream holiday destinations over on our Pintrest. how amazing do some of these locations look. We're definitely dusting off the piggy banks and adding any loose change we can so that we can turn those dreams into reality.
Lastly this week Julys Birchbox actually came through my letterbox as surprise, there was no box. Birchbox sent my five samples in a cute waterproof pouch perfect for poolside or at the beach. You can read my first impressions of the samples I was sent here.
So that's it for this week. I'm looking forward to the start of another wee. I cant believe we're already most of the way through July! Where has the time gone? I hope you all have a great week and thank you for the support, kind comments and likes over on Instagram. See you all next week.

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