
Sunday 5 July 2015

The Sunday Review 0.04

I bet you're wondering where the hell we were last week, well lets just say sickness struck us down. Add to that the intolerable heat wave, which if I'm honest wasn't that nice and only served to make me more sick and sweaty. The result of course was no blog posts last week and pretty much no social media posts either.
We really are sorry that the blog fell by the wayside but getting healthy was the main priority. it also served as a reminder that its probably a good idea to get as many blog posts down in advance and schedule for the days when everything goes wrong. This whole week is dedicated to planning and preparing blog posts for the next month, so get excited. 
Recipe posts are actually the most popular blog wise so I'm thinking of trying to get three recipes up a week. A healthy one, a good easy all rounder and of course something involving chocolate.
Although we unfortunately wont be going away this summer, we have some nice things planned out to do in our own backyard (not literally). I think when you live somewhere you're never really that keen to explore, you want to get as far away as possible to somewhere new and exotic but London is  a really cool city and there's so much to do. How else would we keep the tourist coming back Exploring London a little more whilst the weather is good is top priority for this summer so look out for posts on that soon.
I cant really think of anything more to add except another big thank you to those of you who are taking the time out to read our blog and follow us on social media. This blogging thing is still relatively new for us and we're bound to mess up here and there, its definitely a learning experience and were having fun doing it. Thanks for sticking around.
S & R

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