
Sunday 28 June 2015

The Sunday Review 0.03

This week has been pretty slow on the blog as we have both been pretty busy. We've wanted to get posts up but haven't been stressing too much about it as this is something we are doing for fun. If this was my day job I would definitely be a little anxious that we haven't posted daily, but we really don't want to get too caught up in the pressures that blogging can put on you, especially after reading this post by blogger Victoria of VIPXO.
As to what did happen on the blog this week. Recipe wise I tried my hand at a Salted Caramel and Chocolate Torte.
It was a very decadent dessert, and surprisingly easier than I initially thought it was. If you read this post, you will know that I'm going to be trying this again but in individual tart tins, and with a different type of chocolate.
The weekend bag was the other post this week. I gave you a little sneak peek into what I carry around on the weekend, when I put my big weekday bags away and give my shoulders a rest.
Today is a day of rest and reflection. Reflecting on the highs and lows that all seemed to happen in such a short space of time in the last few days.
The lows being the terrible attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France. The knowledge that life is so fragile and can truly be altered in mere seconds is always a wake up call to treat each day as if it could be your last. Our thoughts and prayers go out to any and everyone affected by these tragedies.
These awful things should also make us extaa grateful for the highs. The fact that the US Government has acknowledged that everybody has the right to love who they wish is an amazing step in the right direction towards equality. So Congrats USA #LoveWins.
Preparing for the week ahead. We are aiming for four blog posts a week but we have such differing schedules we tend to just fit it all in when we can. Lets just say its a working progress, and we really are working on it.

I hope you've all had a good week and lovely Sunday

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