
Sunday 21 June 2015

The Sunday Review: 0.02

This week has been pretty busy yet somehow uneventful. I've found myself caught up in the details this week planning, writing mental lists and over thinking to an unhealthy degree. It's great just to switch off sometimes and that is what I've been doing today. I mentioned previously my love for Sundays and how this day always makes me feel at peace. Today is no different. Getting to just chill with my family and sit down to Sunday dinner, crack silly jokes and have a relaxed evening is what I look forward to every week.
This week was our first full week of blogging. Hi lights include R finally getting a post up. You can see that here.
Our first style/fashion post, with the classic Bardot style top taking centre stage. It's a summer staple and I took you through three ways to rock it this summer. See that post here.
The first recipe also went up this week. A quick, easy and delicious risotto style dish that we cant get enough of in our house. See that post here.
Next week I'm attempting a super sweet and decadent recipe for the blog, so fingers crossed all goes well. R has finally finished her exams and has some great ideas for upcoming posts so keep an eye out for those in the near future.
I hope you've all had a great week and have enjoyed our blog posts so far. We want to once again say a huge thank-you to those of you who have been liking our posts on Instagram. It's great to see what we are posting is well received (even if we don't have many followers :p)
Have a great Sunday.

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