
Saturday 27 June 2015

The Weekend Bag

I'm guilty of carrying the world around with me on a day to day basis. If you need paracetamol, a tissue, some spare socks or even a snack I've probably got you covered. It's a habit I've definitely picked up from my mum and needless to say my shoulder and back is usually aching by the end of the day.
Downsizing from big Mary Poppins style bags is never easy, but for the weekends I manage to whittle the cavernous abyss of my daily bag down to a few select items. I call it my Weekend bag, just a few essentials I like to carry around with me to get me through those two blissful days.

What's In My Bag:
My bag is by Dorothy Perkins, they've sold out in this style but they have it in black and blue here and here.
Phone: iPhone
Headphones: Sony

Sleek Base Duo Kit in Barley (335)
Sleek Matte Me Lip Cream in Birthday Suit (436)
Rimmel Exaggerate Lip Liner in East End Snob
Nivea Hydro Care Lip Balm

Selection of rings from OU and Amelia May

(Not pictured card holder and keys.)
For a little bag it fits quite a lot even if I do have to play a bit of tetris to get everything in.
My top tip for downsizing is simple. Buy a smaller bag. I know, I know not much of a big secret but if your bag is too small to hold anything but what you really need, figuring out what the essentials are becomes a lot easier.
What essential do you keep in your bag, do you downsize over the weekends?

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